CCA Badge and Signature Usage
As a member, we provide an exclusive opportunity to showcase your creditworthiness within the cannabis industry through our CCA Badge and Signature. When your company joins us, you gain access to our distinctive badge and signature, which can be prominently displayed on your website, email signature, and marketing materials. By proudly displaying this emblem, you signal to partners, clients, and stakeholders your commitment to financial responsibility and prompt payment practices. Leverage your membership with us to enhance your reputation and drive more on-time payments, solidifying your position as a trusted entity within the cannabis community. Unlock the power of your membership today and elevate your standing in the industry.
Haven’t got these materials? Download them here.
How to display your CCA Badge and Signature
Add our logo, badge, or signature to your website footer to promote better business practices in the industry.
Add our badge or signature to your email signature to promote your commitment.
Add our badge to your invoices to drive more on-time payments.