CCA Credit Reports

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our community team here.


Account Selector

Select or deselect names below Account Selector tool to add or remove them from the search.

Link Additional Accounts: (search name or address)

Search name or address to add additional accounts to the search.


CCA Report

This section provides the ability to view the raw data in a summarized format.

The information presented are companies sent through formal collections claims and member AR data.


Breakdown information

This section provides the ability to view the detailed information on every row of data we have per your search.

Review this data to analyze payment behavior patterns and specific trade lines reported.

Collections are in progress or the debtor is cooperating to make payment.

Collections Claims Outcome Risk Profiling (Under CCA Report): Collection claims are marked using the following categorization

Accounts that were sent to collections but amount has been paid or settled in full.

Retrieval of funds were unsuccessful or legal action was taken.

Important Information

If your company is on this list and you don’t believe the claim is justified or was reported incorrectly, please contact us immediately to appeal it.

Disclaimer: As mentioned in CCA Terms and Conditions, the CCA is not the owner of this data and simply is acting as an aggregator from various data sources. The CCA does not guarantee the accuracy of any data provided in the Services. The CCA is not responsible or liable for any use of this Service. You represent and warrant that any use you make of the Service, and any data contained therein, will be in accordance with the CCA Member Terms and Conditions.

Please allow 3-4 seconds upon typing in a name for the tool below to pull in the aggregated data. Tool will pull in data as you type.