Monthly AR Submission

Simplify your AR submission in three easy steps.



Download the contribution template to fill-out with your A/R.



Once you have your AR file ready, simply upload it through this form.



Repeat this process every month to keep your A/R submissions to date.

If you need any assistance during the upload, feel free to reach out. It should not take you more than 5-10 minutes.

A/R Calendar

AR Aging

Due by

September 2024 AR Data (as of 09/30)

October 20th

September 20th

Aug 2024 AR Data (as of 08/31)

November 20th

October 2024 AR Data (as of 10/31)

December 20th

November 2024 AR Data (as of 11/30)

January 20th (2025)

December 2024 AR Data (as of 12/31)

FAQ’s on your data sharing

  • Yes! All submitted AR Data is completely anonymous within the database.

    We maintain the integrity of the protection of our members’ identities and take this very seriously. We will never disclose a contributors’ name without prior approval from the contributor directly.

  • At Cannabiz Credit Association, it is required as part of our Terms and Conditions that all our members submit their AR Data every month. If you are on a membership plan that requires contribution, we recognize the effort on your part to contribute and it is reflected in the low prices we offer for our general memberships. Non-Contributing Memberships are available for a higher cost if interested.     

    Sharing data enhances the value of our databases and helps us attract new members. As the number of members increases, so does the amount of data available to you. Our mission is to promote accountability in the Cannabis industry and drive it towards a brighter future. We can only achieve this with the support and active participation of our esteemed members!

  • That depends! We strongly encourage our members to use it as it provides us with the exact layout of the data for us to manage. However, if you use accounting software that allows for custom reporting, you can certainly create a custom report with all the columns relative to the columns found in the Contribution Template. This serves the same purpose and we encourage it as it makes it easier for you!

  • If we do not receive your data within 30 days of the due date, your access to the platform will be temporarily denied until your data is provided. However, we do reserve the right, as written in the Terms & Conditions, to withdraw a membership without refund if data is not provided for a consecutive three (3) months. We do not want to do that though! We just ask that you notify us in the event you are not able to upload or have issues with uploading with an expected date for your late submission.

  •  It should take 2-5 minutes! If it is taking you any longer than that, please let us know by sending us an email to [email protected]

  • Submitting your AR that displays your current customers will effectively support their positive efforts of on-time(within terms) payments. At the CCA, our goal is to elevate the industry. That includes elevating your customers that pay you on-time. They deserve recognition for standing out in the plague of non-payers within the industry and doing the right thing. Current is great and what many want to see!

    Ultimately, it does not benefit your current customers by not reporting your full AR that includes customers current and within terms, especially if those customers are reported past due by another member. It will appear they are more often past due as a lack of current (within terms) data that is being reported for them. This is why we implore our members to submit their full AR data to provide the most transparent and accurate data for the industry and support your current on-time customers.

If you have any additional questions regarding Data Sharing, please reach out to our community management team.